:A Large Molybdenum Deposit Discovered In Pingquan, Hebei论文

:A Large Molybdenum Deposit Discovered In Pingquan, Hebei论文


作者(2019)在《A Large Molybdenum Deposit Discovered In Pingquan, Hebei》一文中研究指出:It is learned from Henan National Resources Office, a new molybdenum deposit was discovered in Chaijiagou, Pingquan, Hebei.Based on the identification of Evaluation Center of Resource Reserves in Hebei, filed resource reserves of Chaijiagou molybdenum deposit achieves large scale.


It is learned from Henan National Resources Office, a new molybdenum deposit was discovered in Chaijiagou, Pingquan, Hebei.Based on the identification of Evaluation Center of Resource Reserves in Hebei, filed resource reserves of Chaijiagou molybdenum deposit achieves large scale.


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    :A Large Molybdenum Deposit Discovered In Pingquan, Hebei论文
