作者(2019)在《Vice president Zhang visited Cryosphere Research Station in Alaska, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource,Chinese Academy of Sciences》一文中研究指出:On June 14-17, vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences—YaPing Zhang made a visit to University of Alaska and visited the co-established Cryosphere Research Station at Nome between the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIEER, CAS) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), to enhance the cooperation on scientific research between Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Alaska.
On June 14-17, vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences—YaPing Zhang made a visit to University of Alaska and visited the co-established Cryosphere Research Station at Nome between the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIEER, CAS) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), to enhance the cooperation on scientific research between Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Alaska.
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:Vice president Zhang visited Cryosphere Research Station in Alaska, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resource,Chinese Academy of Sciences论文