:Molecular identification and antiviral function of the guanylate-binding protein(GBP) genes in the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri chinesis)论文

:Molecular identification and antiviral function of the guanylate-binding protein(GBP) genes in the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri chinesis)论文


作者(2019)在《Molecular identification and antiviral function of the guanylate-binding protein(GBP) genes in the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri chinesis)》一文中研究指出:Following viral detection and interferons(IFNs) production, several hundreds of IFN-stimulated genes(ISGs) are subsequently induced to act as direct antiviral effectors or regulators of the IFN sig


Following viral detection and interferons(IFNs) production, several hundreds of IFN-stimulated genes(ISGs) are subsequently induced to act as direct antiviral effectors or regulators of the IFN sig


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    :Molecular identification and antiviral function of the guanylate-binding protein(GBP) genes in the Chinese tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri chinesis)论文
