:The usability of GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys considering RTK and NRTK techniques论文

:The usability of GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys considering RTK and NRTK techniques论文


作者(2019)在《The usability of GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys considering RTK and NRTK techniques》一文中研究指出:Nowadays many positioning techniques and methods are applied to the cadastral surveys. Starting from last decade, GPS/GNSS positioning had become one of the most used methodology thanks to the rapid development of satellite-based positioning and to the appearance of GNSS mass-market receivers and antennas. Methods based on these instruments are more affordable than the conventional ones even if their use for precise positioning is not so intuitive. This study is aimed to evaluate the use of singlefrequency GPS/GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys, considering both single-base RealTime Kinematic(RTK) and Network Real-Time Kinematic(NRTK) methodologies. Furthermore, a particular tool for predicting and estimating the occurrence of false fix of the phase ambiguities has been considered, in order to improve the accuracy and precision of the solutions. Considering the single-base positioning, the research results showed the difference of a few centimetres between the reference coordinates and the estimated ones if the distance between master and rover is less than 3 km, while considering the network positioning and the Virtual Reference Station correction, the difference are about a couple of centimetres for East and North component, and about 5 cm for the Up.


Nowadays many positioning techniques and methods are applied to the cadastral surveys. Starting from last decade, GPS/GNSS positioning had become one of the most used methodology thanks to the rapid development of satellite-based positioning and to the appearance of GNSS mass-market receivers and antennas. Methods based on these instruments are more affordable than the conventional ones even if their use for precise positioning is not so intuitive. This study is aimed to evaluate the use of singlefrequency GPS/GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys, considering both single-base RealTime Kinematic(RTK) and Network Real-Time Kinematic(NRTK) methodologies. Furthermore, a particular tool for predicting and estimating the occurrence of false fix of the phase ambiguities has been considered, in order to improve the accuracy and precision of the solutions. Considering the single-base positioning, the research results showed the difference of a few centimetres between the reference coordinates and the estimated ones if the distance between master and rover is less than 3 km, while considering the network positioning and the Virtual Reference Station correction, the difference are about a couple of centimetres for East and North component, and about 5 cm for the Up.


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  • 论文详细介绍

    论文作者分别是来自Geodesy and Geodynamics的,发表于刊物Geodesy and Geodynamics2019年04期论文,是一篇关于,Geodesy and Geodynamics2019年04期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Geodesy and Geodynamics2019年04期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    :The usability of GNSS mass-market receivers for cadastral surveys considering RTK and NRTK techniques论文
