作者(2019)在《Study on Differences in Procyanidine Content Between Muscat Hamburg Grape From Different Producing Areas》一文中研究指出:[Objectives] This study was conducted to analyze the differences in procyanidine content in grapes caused by different producing areas. [Methods]With Muscat Hamburg grape from different producing areas as an experimental material,procyanidine content was determined by n-butanol-hydrochloric acid colorimetry. [Results] The procyanidins contents in different parts of the same variety ranked as grape seed > grape skin > grape flesh. The procyanidins contents in grapes from different producing areas were in order of Changli County,Hebei Province > Dazeshan Town,Shandong Province > Hangu District,Tianjin City.[Conclusions]The procyanidins contents in Muscat Hamburg grapes from different producing areas differ to a certain degree.
[Objectives] This study was conducted to analyze the differences in procyanidine content in grapes caused by different producing areas. [Methods]With Muscat Hamburg grape from different producing areas as an experimental material,procyanidine content was determined by n-butanol-hydrochloric acid colorimetry. [Results] The procyanidins contents in different parts of the same variety ranked as grape seed > grape skin > grape flesh. The procyanidins contents in grapes from different producing areas were in order of Changli County,Hebei Province > Dazeshan Town,Shandong Province > Hangu District,Tianjin City.[Conclusions]The procyanidins contents in Muscat Hamburg grapes from different producing areas differ to a certain degree.
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:Study on Differences in Procyanidine Content Between Muscat Hamburg Grape From Different Producing Areas论文