作者(2019)在《Cover》一文中研究指出:Sclerotinia resistance and flowering time(FT) adaptation are major breeding goals in Brassica napus.However,early-maturing rapeseed varieties,which are desired for rice-rapeseed rotation in China,are often highly susceptible to Sclerotinia.Development of effective strategies to overcome the contradiction relies on the better understanding of the genetic link between the two important traits.In this study,Sclerotinia resistance QTL and FT QTL were colocalized on some chromosomal regions,which affect both Sclerotinia resistance and FT.
Sclerotinia resistance and flowering time(FT) adaptation are major breeding goals in Brassica napus.However,early-maturing rapeseed varieties,which are desired for rice-rapeseed rotation in China,are often highly susceptible to Sclerotinia.Development of effective strategies to overcome the contradiction relies on the better understanding of the genetic link between the two important traits.In this study,Sclerotinia resistance QTL and FT QTL were colocalized on some chromosomal regions,which affect both Sclerotinia resistance and FT.
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