:The effect of monosaccharides on self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamides论文

:The effect of monosaccharides on self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamides论文


作者(2019)在《The effect of monosaccharides on self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamides》一文中研究指出:The interaction between monosaccharides exhibits an important role in the assembly of monosaccharide-containing molecules. In this work, three common monosaccharides, glucose, galactose and mannose, are employed to investigate the effect of monosaccharide on the self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamide(BTA) core-containing molecules. In the presence of monosaccharides, three benzenetricarboxamide derivatives aggregate into different ordered structures. When alanine linkers are introduced to these molecules between the core and the monosacchride, morphologies of three types of monosaccharide BTAs turned to disordered, meanwhile their structures become similar with the increase of the length of alanine linkers, indicating the disappearance of the monosaccharide effects.


The interaction between monosaccharides exhibits an important role in the assembly of monosaccharide-containing molecules. In this work, three common monosaccharides, glucose, galactose and mannose, are employed to investigate the effect of monosaccharide on the self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamide(BTA) core-containing molecules. In the presence of monosaccharides, three benzenetricarboxamide derivatives aggregate into different ordered structures. When alanine linkers are introduced to these molecules between the core and the monosacchride, morphologies of three types of monosaccharide BTAs turned to disordered, meanwhile their structures become similar with the increase of the length of alanine linkers, indicating the disappearance of the monosaccharide effects.


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    :The effect of monosaccharides on self-assembly of benzenetricarboxamides论文
