作者郑凌玲,胡升,周爱菊,杨瑞翀(2019)在《Effect of Pyridinecarboxylic Acid on the Molecular Packing Architectures of Disc-shaped 2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene with Both Large π System and Hydrogen Bond Sites》一文中研究指出:Co-crystallization of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxytriphenylene(L) with nicotinic acid(3-pyaH) and isonicotinic acid(4-pyaH) offers L·(3-pyaH)·5 H2O(1) and L·2(4-pya H)·5 H2O(2), respectively. In 1, each L links three neighboring L molecules via O-H···O and C-H···O hydrogen bonds, furnishing a 1 D chain. The hydrogen bonding and p-p stacking deriving from 3-pyaH and L extend the chains to a 2D layer. Lattice water molecules are interconnected to 3-pyaH via hydrogen bonds into a 1 D [(3-pya H)×5 H2O]$ chain. While in 2, Hydrogen bonding between L and 4-pyaH produces a 2D net with triangle and parallelogram grids. Water molecules locate in interlayer and grids, and O(1 w) and O(2 w) link 4-pyaH into a 1 D [(4-pyaH)×2 H2O]$ chain.
Co-crystallization of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxytriphenylene(L) with nicotinic acid(3-pyaH) and isonicotinic acid(4-pyaH) offers L·(3-pyaH)·5 H2O(1) and L·2(4-pya H)·5 H2O(2), respectively. In 1, each L links three neighboring L molecules via O-H···O and C-H···O hydrogen bonds, furnishing a 1 D chain. The hydrogen bonding and p-p stacking deriving from 3-pyaH and L extend the chains to a 2D layer. Lattice water molecules are interconnected to 3-pyaH via hydrogen bonds into a 1 D [(3-pya H)×5 H2O]$ chain. While in 2, Hydrogen bonding between L and 4-pyaH produces a 2D net with triangle and parallelogram grids. Water molecules locate in interlayer and grids, and O(1 w) and O(2 w) link 4-pyaH into a 1 D [(4-pyaH)×2 H2O]$ chain.
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论文作者分别是来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry的郑凌玲,胡升,周爱菊,杨瑞翀,发表于刊物Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年10期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年10期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年10期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。
标签:Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年10期论文;
郑凌玲:Effect of Pyridinecarboxylic Acid on the Molecular Packing Architectures of Disc-shaped 2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene with Both Large π System and Hydrogen Bond Sites论文