作者(2019)在《Comparison on Determination Results of Methane and Total Hydrocarbons by Glass Syringe Method and Air Bag Method》一文中研究指出:Samples at different setting time were determined by glass syringe method and air bag method,and their results were analyzed. The results showed that concentrations of methane and total hydrocarbons obviously declined with the prolonging of setting time by glass syringe method,and recovery rate of sample declined to 60% after 8 h. In air bag method,analysis results of methane and total hydrocarbons were stabler,and recovery rate of sample was 93% after 8 h.
Samples at different setting time were determined by glass syringe method and air bag method,and their results were analyzed. The results showed that concentrations of methane and total hydrocarbons obviously declined with the prolonging of setting time by glass syringe method,and recovery rate of sample declined to 60% after 8 h. In air bag method,analysis results of methane and total hydrocarbons were stabler,and recovery rate of sample was 93% after 8 h.
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标签:Meteorological and Environmental Research2019年04期论文;
:Comparison on Determination Results of Methane and Total Hydrocarbons by Glass Syringe Method and Air Bag Method论文