作者(2019)在《Application and comparison of two symptom-based eutrophication-assessment methods in Jiaozhou Bay, China》一文中研究指出:Increasing numbers of approaches to assess eutrophication,such as estuarine trophic status,the Oslo-Paris Commission Common Procedure,and the Water Framework Directive,focus on the symptoms of eutrophication.In China,however,nutrient index methods dominate the assessment of coastal waters.In this study,an integrated method that includes both water quality and ecological response was compared with the Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP)Common Procedure.Observation data from Jiaozhou Bay,Shandong,China,were used in a comparison of the two methods in a trophic status study.Overall,both clearly revealed a high level of nutrient enrichment in the bay,indicated by high nutrient concentrations.Though the two methods differed in their methodological design in the assessment of the ecological effects of nutrient enrichment,they have acquired similar results:the integrated method suggested that the status was good,and the NOWPAP Common Procedure suggested that the status was low(indicating that the bay had no serious eutrophication problem).The introduction of filter feeders(shellfish aquaculture)into the bay on a reasonable scale may have been effective in mitigating eutrophic conditions,and perhaps explains the low ecological impacts there.Our results will be useful to ecosystem-based eutrophication management in the bay and in similar areas.
Increasing numbers of approaches to assess eutrophication,such as estuarine trophic status,the Oslo-Paris Commission Common Procedure,and the Water Framework Directive,focus on the symptoms of eutrophication.In China,however,nutrient index methods dominate the assessment of coastal waters.In this study,an integrated method that includes both water quality and ecological response was compared with the Northwest Pacific Action Plan(NOWPAP)Common Procedure.Observation data from Jiaozhou Bay,Shandong,China,were used in a comparison of the two methods in a trophic status study.Overall,both clearly revealed a high level of nutrient enrichment in the bay,indicated by high nutrient concentrations.Though the two methods differed in their methodological design in the assessment of the ecological effects of nutrient enrichment,they have acquired similar results:the integrated method suggested that the status was good,and the NOWPAP Common Procedure suggested that the status was low(indicating that the bay had no serious eutrophication problem).The introduction of filter feeders(shellfish aquaculture)into the bay on a reasonable scale may have been effective in mitigating eutrophic conditions,and perhaps explains the low ecological impacts there.Our results will be useful to ecosystem-based eutrophication management in the bay and in similar areas.
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:Application and comparison of two symptom-based eutrophication-assessment methods in Jiaozhou Bay, China论文