作者(2019)在《Magnetic properties of the double perovskite compound Sr2YRuO6》一文中研究指出:We study the magnetic properties of the double perovskite ruthenate compound Sr2YRuO6 using Monte Carlo simulations(MCS).We elaborate the ground state phase diagrams for all possible and stable configurations.The magnetizations and the susceptibilities as a function of temperature for the studied system are also reported.The effects of the exchange coupling interactions and the crystal field are examined and discussed.On the other hand, since the compound Sr2YRuO6 exhibits an antiferromagnetic behavior, we find its Néel temperature, TN≈ 31 K, which is in good agreement with the experimental results in the literature.To complete this study, the hysteresis loops and the coercive field as a function of the external magnetic field are also obtained for fixed values of the physical parameters.
We study the magnetic properties of the double perovskite ruthenate compound Sr2YRuO6 using Monte Carlo simulations(MCS).We elaborate the ground state phase diagrams for all possible and stable configurations.The magnetizations and the susceptibilities as a function of temperature for the studied system are also reported.The effects of the exchange coupling interactions and the crystal field are examined and discussed.On the other hand, since the compound Sr2YRuO6 exhibits an antiferromagnetic behavior, we find its Néel temperature, TN≈ 31 K, which is in good agreement with the experimental results in the literature.To complete this study, the hysteresis loops and the coercive field as a function of the external magnetic field are also obtained for fixed values of the physical parameters.
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:Magnetic properties of the double perovskite compound Sr2YRuO6论文