作者(2019)在《Catalogue of Polychaete species(Annelida) described from China Seas during 2008–2017》一文中研究指出:China Seas are one of the most diverse regions in the Pacific. Though much ef fort has been made to explore its biodiversity, the polychaetes diversity is still poorly known. A large number of species records are based on ecological investigation rather than taxonomical studies. We update the Polychaete species taxonomicaly described from China coastal waters during 2008–2017 and list them as a catalogue.The catalogue contains 47 species of 32 genera and 17 families, the type depository, type locality and geographic distribution. Some taxonomic problems are present in remarks.
China Seas are one of the most diverse regions in the Pacific. Though much ef fort has been made to explore its biodiversity, the polychaetes diversity is still poorly known. A large number of species records are based on ecological investigation rather than taxonomical studies. We update the Polychaete species taxonomicaly described from China coastal waters during 2008–2017 and list them as a catalogue.The catalogue contains 47 species of 32 genera and 17 families, the type depository, type locality and geographic distribution. Some taxonomic problems are present in remarks.
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:Catalogue of Polychaete species(Annelida) described from China Seas during 2008–2017论文