:Extraction of Protease Produced by Sea Mud Bacteria and Evaluation of Antifouling Performance论文

:Extraction of Protease Produced by Sea Mud Bacteria and Evaluation of Antifouling Performance论文


作者(2019)在《Extraction of Protease Produced by Sea Mud Bacteria and Evaluation of Antifouling Performance》一文中研究指出:Enzyme-based antifouling coatings are potential alternative to traditional tributyltin-based coatings in the marine biofouling control depended on its environmental friendliness. Proteases are usually the key antifouling active components in enzyme based antifouling coatings. In this work, based on biological antagonism effect, a marine proteolytic bacterial strain of Bacillus velezensis was isolated from the sea mud, and denoted as SM-1. The scanning electron microscope(SEM) revealed that the bacteria are rod-shaped with length 1?1.3 μm. The protease-producing conditions of SM-1 were investigated, and it was found that the culture solution displays higher proteolytic activity under the culture conditions of 35℃, 10‰?20‰ salinity, pH 6?9 and more than 7 d culture time. Moreover, the 25 kDa protein was confirmed to be the main active component in the crude protease, which was revealed via the experiment of SDS-PAGE. The antifouling assay indicated that the protease SM-1 has remarkable effect on the decomposition of barnacle cement and diatom secretion, and also can effectively inhibit the attachment of barnacle cyprids, diatom and mussel byssus. Therefore, this protease potentially can be used as environmental-friendly antifoulant of enzyme-based marine antifouling coatings, and this work also provides a new approach to obtain antifouling protease via isolating proteolytic bacteria from the sea mud surrounding representative fouling organisms.


Enzyme-based antifouling coatings are potential alternative to traditional tributyltin-based coatings in the marine biofouling control depended on its environmental friendliness. Proteases are usually the key antifouling active components in enzyme based antifouling coatings. In this work, based on biological antagonism effect, a marine proteolytic bacterial strain of Bacillus velezensis was isolated from the sea mud, and denoted as SM-1. The scanning electron microscope(SEM) revealed that the bacteria are rod-shaped with length 1?1.3 μm. The protease-producing conditions of SM-1 were investigated, and it was found that the culture solution displays higher proteolytic activity under the culture conditions of 35℃, 10‰?20‰ salinity, pH 6?9 and more than 7 d culture time. Moreover, the 25 kDa protein was confirmed to be the main active component in the crude protease, which was revealed via the experiment of SDS-PAGE. The antifouling assay indicated that the protease SM-1 has remarkable effect on the decomposition of barnacle cement and diatom secretion, and also can effectively inhibit the attachment of barnacle cyprids, diatom and mussel byssus. Therefore, this protease potentially can be used as environmental-friendly antifoulant of enzyme-based marine antifouling coatings, and this work also provides a new approach to obtain antifouling protease via isolating proteolytic bacteria from the sea mud surrounding representative fouling organisms.


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    论文作者分别是来自Journal of Ocean University of China的,发表于刊物Journal of Ocean University of China2019年05期论文,是一篇关于,Journal of Ocean University of China2019年05期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Journal of Ocean University of China2019年05期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    :Extraction of Protease Produced by Sea Mud Bacteria and Evaluation of Antifouling Performance论文
