作者(2019)在《Grain-scale deformation in a Mg-0.8wt% Y alloy using crystal plasticity finite element method》一文中研究指出:Magnesium(Mg) alloys with hexagonal close-packed(HCP) structure usually have a poor ductility at room temperature. The addition of yttrium(Y) can improve the ductility of Mg alloys. To understand the underlying mechanism, crystal plasticity finite element method(CPFEM) was employed to simulate the tensile deformation of a Mg-0.8 wt% Y alloy. The simulated stress–strain curve and the grain-scale slip activities were compared with an in-situ tensile test conducted in a scanning electron microscope.According to the CPFEM result, basal slip is the dominant deformation mode in the plastic deformation stage, accounting for about 50% of total strain. Prismatic slip and pyramidal a slip are responsible for about 25% and 20% of the total strain, respectively. Pyramidal c + a slip and twinning, on the other hand,accommodate much less strain.
Magnesium(Mg) alloys with hexagonal close-packed(HCP) structure usually have a poor ductility at room temperature. The addition of yttrium(Y) can improve the ductility of Mg alloys. To understand the underlying mechanism, crystal plasticity finite element method(CPFEM) was employed to simulate the tensile deformation of a Mg-0.8 wt% Y alloy. The simulated stress–strain curve and the grain-scale slip activities were compared with an in-situ tensile test conducted in a scanning electron microscope.According to the CPFEM result, basal slip is the dominant deformation mode in the plastic deformation stage, accounting for about 50% of total strain. Prismatic slip and pyramidal a slip are responsible for about 25% and 20% of the total strain, respectively. Pyramidal c + a slip and twinning, on the other hand,accommodate much less strain.
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标签:Journal of Materials Science & Technology2019年10期论文;
:Grain-scale deformation in a Mg-0.8wt% Y alloy using crystal plasticity finite element method论文