作者(2019)在《Triplophysa wulongensis,a new loach species of the genus Triplophysa(Teleostei:Cypriniformes) from Southwest China》一文中研究指出:A new species of Nemacheilidae,Triplophysa wulongensis sp.nov.,is described here based on the collections from a subterranean pool in a cave at Wulong County,Chongqing of China.The new species can be
A new species of Nemacheilidae,Triplophysa wulongensis sp.nov.,is described here based on the collections from a subterranean pool in a cave at Wulong County,Chongqing of China.The new species can be
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:Triplophysa wulongensis,a new loach species of the genus Triplophysa(Teleostei:Cypriniformes) from Southwest China论文