作者(2019)在《KEYWORDS FOR COMPOSITES》一文中研究指出:
[1].Manufacturing Titanium Metal Matrix Composites by Consolidating Matrix Coated Fibres[J]. Hua-Xin PENGDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK.  Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2005(05)[2].Dielectric and Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Properties of Two Types of SiC Fibres with Different Compositions[J]. Fang Ye,Litong Zhang,Xiaowei Yin,Yongsheng Liu,Laifei Cheng.  Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2013(01)[3].Effect of carbon fibre on properties of TiB2/C composite cathode coating for aluminum electrolysis[J]. 李劼,吕晓军,赖延清,李庆余,田忠良,方钊.  Journal of Central South University of Technology.2008(04)[4].Hybrid reinforced thermoset polymer composite in energy absorption tube application:A review[J]. A.B.M.Supian,S.M.Sapuan,M.Y.M.Zuhri,E.S.Zainudin,H.H.Ya.  Defence Technology.2018(04)[5].Effect of fibre orientations on the mechanical properties of kenaf–aramid hybrid composites for spall-liner application[J]. R.YAHAYA,S.M.SAPUAN,M.JAWAID,Z.LEMAN,E.S.ZAINUDIN.  Defence Technology.2016(01)[6].Mechanical Characterisation of Interface for Steel/Polymer Composite Using Pull-out Test: Shear-Lag and Frictional Analysis[J]. Mohamed KHARRAT,Maher DAMMAK,Amine CHARFI.  Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2006(04)[7].Influence of Fabric Parameters on Microstructure,Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanisms in Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Composites[J]. B.Wielage,D.Richter,H.Mucha,Th.Lampke.  Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2008(06)[8].Interfacial Interaction in Coated Carbon Fibre Reinforced Aluminous Mg-based Composites[J]. Kun LI~(1,2)) Nanlin SHI~(1)+) Jun GONG~(1)) Chao SUN~(1)) 1) Division of Surface Engineering of Materials,Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China 2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China.  Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2008(06)[9].Analytical study of the interface in fibre-reinforced 2D composite material[J]. Igor V.Andrianov,Jan Awrejcewicz,Dieter Weichert.  Acta Mechanica Sinica.2011(01)[10].The influence of carbon fibre content on the tribological properties of polyarylate based composites materials[J]. Burya,A.I.,Chigvintseva,O.P.  Science in China,Ser.A.2001(S1)