作者(2019)在《Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of γ-allyloxymethyl 18-crown-6 and polyimide composites through hydrosilylation crosslinking》一文中研究指出:The complexation of y-allyloxymethyl 18-crown-6(AC6) induced inferior mechanical and thermal properties of polyimide(PI) in spite of lowered dielectric constant(k). To solve this puzzle, tetrakis-(di methylsiloxy)-si lane was employed to crosslink the complex of AC6 and PI(AC6-PI) through hydrosilylation reaction. The crosslinked AC6-PI(SiAC-PI) composites possessed excellent mechanical and thermal properties as well as low k. The tensile strength and fracture energy of SiAC-PI were increased by 87% and 716%, and the glass transition temperature and 5% weight loss temperature elevated 14.5 ℃ and 38.8 ℃, respectively, compared with those of AC6-PI. The structure of SiAC-PI was characterized by FTIR spectra, crosslinked density and XRD diffraction patterns.
The complexation of y-allyloxymethyl 18-crown-6(AC6) induced inferior mechanical and thermal properties of polyimide(PI) in spite of lowered dielectric constant(k). To solve this puzzle, tetrakis-(di methylsiloxy)-si lane was employed to crosslink the complex of AC6 and PI(AC6-PI) through hydrosilylation reaction. The crosslinked AC6-PI(SiAC-PI) composites possessed excellent mechanical and thermal properties as well as low k. The tensile strength and fracture energy of SiAC-PI were increased by 87% and 716%, and the glass transition temperature and 5% weight loss temperature elevated 14.5 ℃ and 38.8 ℃, respectively, compared with those of AC6-PI. The structure of SiAC-PI was characterized by FTIR spectra, crosslinked density and XRD diffraction patterns.
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:Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of γ-allyloxymethyl 18-crown-6 and polyimide composites through hydrosilylation crosslinking论文