

  1. 答:吸烟现在大多数男生都吸烟,而且有不少女性也开始吸烟了,它就像一种慢性疾病,外卖腐蚀人的身体
  2. 答:It is known to all that smoking is not only harmful to our health, but also harmful to the environment. Smokingcan result in many diseases, such as lung cancer. Additionally, smoking can affect non-smokers. In regard to passivesmokers, their chance of falling ill is greater than that of the smokers. Some young people believe that smoking iscool, and others think that smoking can refresh themselves. To this day, more and more public places have hung upNo Smoking " signs, which is a big progress we have achieved. We should make greater efforts to inhibit smoking inpublic places for the sake of our health.
  1. 答:3
问:no smoking的英语作文
  1. 答:No Smoking As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many nonsmokers are against smoking.
    Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom. I think it is a one-sided view. If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places. In fact, smokers still have the freedom of smoking.
    So, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial to all of us.
  2. 答:Smoking is harmful
    When you are in public places, you will see many smokers, most of whom are young people and even middle school students. It is said that in China smokers cover about 45 percent.
    Why do so many people enjoy smoking?Some think that it is a pleasure,some believe that it can refresh themselves. In fact,smoking is a bad habit. It does great harm to our health,not only to the smoker himself,but also to others.
    For smokers,it is a great waste of money,and it causes many kinds of diseases. Besides, many fires are caused by careless smoker.Today,more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up. If you are not a moker,don't start.
