:Ustilaginoidea virens: A Fungus Infects Rice Flower and Threats World Rice Production论文

:Ustilaginoidea virens: A Fungus Infects Rice Flower and Threats World Rice Production论文


作者(2019)在《Ustilaginoidea virens: A Fungus Infects Rice Flower and Threats World Rice Production》一文中研究指出:Rice false smut disease, which is caused by the fungus Ustilaginoidea virens, is currently one of the most devastating rice fungal diseases in the world. Rice false smut disease not only causes severe yield loss and grain quality reduction, but also threatens food safety due to its production of mycotoxins.In this review, the most recent progresses regarding the life cycle, infection processes, genome and genetic diversity, pathogenic gene and disease resistance in rice were summarized in order to provide theoretical basis for the control of U. virens. We also proposed some future directions and key questions that need to be addressed for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism that leads to rice false smut disease and the prospects for sustainable control of rice false smut.


Rice false smut disease, which is caused by the fungus Ustilaginoidea virens, is currently one of the most devastating rice fungal diseases in the world. Rice false smut disease not only causes severe yield loss and grain quality reduction, but also threatens food safety due to its production of mycotoxins.In this review, the most recent progresses regarding the life cycle, infection processes, genome and genetic diversity, pathogenic gene and disease resistance in rice were summarized in order to provide theoretical basis for the control of U. virens. We also proposed some future directions and key questions that need to be addressed for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism that leads to rice false smut disease and the prospects for sustainable control of rice false smut.


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    :Ustilaginoidea virens: A Fungus Infects Rice Flower and Threats World Rice Production论文
