作者(2019)在《NiPt nanoparticles supported on CeO2 nanospheres for efficient catalytic hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine》一文中研究指出:Searching for highly efficient catalysts toward dehydrogenation of hydrazine for chemical hydrogen storage is highly desirable for the development of hydrogen economy. Herein, we report a simple in situ co-reduction synthesis of NiPt nanoparticles supported on CeO2 nanospheres and their superior catalytic performance for hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine at room temperature. Thanks to the strong electronic interaction arising from synergistic effect at atomic lever and support-metal interaction between NiPt and CeO2.The obtained Ni5Pt5-CeO2 catalyst exhibits 100% hydrogen selectivity and superior catalytic performance for hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine at room temperature, with a TOF value of 416 h 1.
Searching for highly efficient catalysts toward dehydrogenation of hydrazine for chemical hydrogen storage is highly desirable for the development of hydrogen economy. Herein, we report a simple in situ co-reduction synthesis of NiPt nanoparticles supported on CeO2 nanospheres and their superior catalytic performance for hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine at room temperature. Thanks to the strong electronic interaction arising from synergistic effect at atomic lever and support-metal interaction between NiPt and CeO2.The obtained Ni5Pt5-CeO2 catalyst exhibits 100% hydrogen selectivity and superior catalytic performance for hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine at room temperature, with a TOF value of 416 h 1.
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:NiPt nanoparticles supported on CeO2 nanospheres for efficient catalytic hydrogen generation from alkaline solution of hydrazine论文