:Selective conversion of syngas to propane over ZnCrO_x-SSZ-39 OX-ZEO catalysts论文

:Selective conversion of syngas to propane over ZnCrO_x-SSZ-39 OX-ZEO catalysts论文


作者(2019)在《Selective conversion of syngas to propane over ZnCrO_x-SSZ-39 OX-ZEO catalysts》一文中研究指出:Oxide-Zeolite(OX-ZEO) bifunctional catalyst design concept has been exemplified in several processes to direct conversion syngas to value-added chemicals and fuels such as mixed light olefins, ethylene, aromatics and gasoline.Herein we demonstrate that the product can be steered toward liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) with a selectivity up to 89% in hydrocarbons especially propane selectivity reaching 80% at CO conversion of 63% using ZnCrO_x-H-SSZ-39 catalyst.Interestingly, the quantity of the acid sites of SSZ-39 does not influence obviously the hydrocarbon distribution but the strength is crucial for selective formation of propane.This finding provides an alternative route of LPG synthesis from a variety of carbon resources via syngas.


Oxide-Zeolite(OX-ZEO) bifunctional catalyst design concept has been exemplified in several processes to direct conversion syngas to value-added chemicals and fuels such as mixed light olefins, ethylene, aromatics and gasoline.Herein we demonstrate that the product can be steered toward liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) with a selectivity up to 89% in hydrocarbons especially propane selectivity reaching 80% at CO conversion of 63% using ZnCrO_x-H-SSZ-39 catalyst.Interestingly, the quantity of the acid sites of SSZ-39 does not influence obviously the hydrocarbon distribution but the strength is crucial for selective formation of propane.This finding provides an alternative route of LPG synthesis from a variety of carbon resources via syngas.


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    :Selective conversion of syngas to propane over ZnCrO_x-SSZ-39 OX-ZEO catalysts论文
