作者(2019)在《Structure, photocatalytic and antibacterial activity study of Meso porous Ni and S co-doped TiO2 nano material under visible light irradiation》一文中研究指出:Undoped and Ni–S co-doped mesoporous TiO2 nano materials were synthesized by using sol–gel method.The characteristic features of as prepared catalyst samples were investigated using various advanced spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The characterization results of the samples revealed that all the samples exhibited anatase phase(XRD), decreasing band gap(2.68 eV)(UV–Vis-DRS), small particle size(9.2 nm)(TEM), high surface area(142.156 m2·g-1)(BET), particles with spherical shape and smooth morphology(SEM); there is a frequency shift observed for co-doped sample(FT-IR) and the elemental composition electronic states and position of the doped elements(Ni and S) in the TiO2 lattice analyzed by XPS and EDX. These results supported the photocatalytic degradation of Bismarck Brown Red(BBR)achieved with in 110 min and also exhibited the antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus(MTCC-3160), Pseudomonas fluorescence(MTCC-1688) under visible light irradiation.
Undoped and Ni–S co-doped mesoporous TiO2 nano materials were synthesized by using sol–gel method.The characteristic features of as prepared catalyst samples were investigated using various advanced spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The characterization results of the samples revealed that all the samples exhibited anatase phase(XRD), decreasing band gap(2.68 eV)(UV–Vis-DRS), small particle size(9.2 nm)(TEM), high surface area(142.156 m2·g-1)(BET), particles with spherical shape and smooth morphology(SEM); there is a frequency shift observed for co-doped sample(FT-IR) and the elemental composition electronic states and position of the doped elements(Ni and S) in the TiO2 lattice analyzed by XPS and EDX. These results supported the photocatalytic degradation of Bismarck Brown Red(BBR)achieved with in 110 min and also exhibited the antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus(MTCC-3160), Pseudomonas fluorescence(MTCC-1688) under visible light irradiation.
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标签:Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2019年07期论文;
:Structure, photocatalytic and antibacterial activity study of Meso porous Ni and S co-doped TiO2 nano material under visible light irradiation论文