:Atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) Al2O3passivation dependent interface chemistry, band alignment and electrical properties of HfYO/Si gate stacks论文

:Atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) Al2O3passivation dependent interface chemistry, band alignment and electrical properties of HfYO/Si gate stacks论文


作者(2019)在《Atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) Al2O3passivation dependent interface chemistry, band alignment and electrical properties of HfYO/Si gate stacks》一文中研究指出:In this work, the effects of atomic-layer-deposited(ALD) Al2O3 passivation layers with different thicknesses on the interface chemistry and electrical properties of sputtering-derived HfYO gate dielectrics on Si substrates have been investigated. The results of electrical measurements and X-ray photoelectron sepectroscopy(XPS) showed that 1-nm-thick Al2O3 passivation layer is optimized to obtain excellent electrical and interfacial properties for HfYO/Si gate stack. Then, the metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors with HfYO/1-nm Al2O3/Si/Al gate stack were fabricated and annealed at different temperatures in forming gas(95% N2+5% H2). Capacitance-voltage(C-V) and current density-voltage(J-V) characteristics showed that the 250℃-annealed HYO high-k gate dielectric thin film demonstrated the lowest border trapped oxide charge density(-3.3 × 1010cm-2), smallest gate-leakage current(2.45 × 10-6A/cm2 at 2 V)compared with other samples. Moreover, the annealing temperature dependent leakage current conduction mechanism for Al/HfYO/Al2O3/Si/Al MOS capacitor has been investigated systematically. Detailed electrical measurements reveal that Poole-Frenkle emission is the main dominant emission in the region of low and medium electric fields while direct tunneling is dominant conduction mechanism at high electric fields.


In this work, the effects of atomic-layer-deposited(ALD) Al2O3 passivation layers with different thicknesses on the interface chemistry and electrical properties of sputtering-derived HfYO gate dielectrics on Si substrates have been investigated. The results of electrical measurements and X-ray photoelectron sepectroscopy(XPS) showed that 1-nm-thick Al2O3 passivation layer is optimized to obtain excellent electrical and interfacial properties for HfYO/Si gate stack. Then, the metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors with HfYO/1-nm Al2O3/Si/Al gate stack were fabricated and annealed at different temperatures in forming gas(95% N2+5% H2). Capacitance-voltage(C-V) and current density-voltage(J-V) characteristics showed that the 250℃-annealed HYO high-k gate dielectric thin film demonstrated the lowest border trapped oxide charge density(-3.3 × 1010cm-2), smallest gate-leakage current(2.45 × 10-6A/cm2 at 2 V)compared with other samples. Moreover, the annealing temperature dependent leakage current conduction mechanism for Al/HfYO/Al2O3/Si/Al MOS capacitor has been investigated systematically. Detailed electrical measurements reveal that Poole-Frenkle emission is the main dominant emission in the region of low and medium electric fields while direct tunneling is dominant conduction mechanism at high electric fields.


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    :Atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) Al2O3passivation dependent interface chemistry, band alignment and electrical properties of HfYO/Si gate stacks论文
