:Burning rate and other characteristics of strontium titanate (SrTiO3) supplemented AP/HTPB/Al composite propellants论文

:Burning rate and other characteristics of strontium titanate (SrTiO3) supplemented AP/HTPB/Al composite propellants论文


作者(2019)在《Burning rate and other characteristics of strontium titanate (SrTiO3) supplemented AP/HTPB/Al composite propellants》一文中研究指出:In a quest of search for a new burning rate modifier for composite propellant, strontium titanate(SrTiO3),a perovskite oxide has been chosen for evaluation in a composite propellant formulation based on its other catalytic applications. Initially, SrTiO3 was characterized for particle size, morphology and material/phase identification(using XRD). By varying SrTiO3 content in a standard composite propellant, different compositions were prepared and their performance and processing parameters like the end of mix(EOM) viscosity, mechanical properties, density, burning rate, pressure exponent(n-value), etc. were measured. The results reveal that 2% SrTiO3 causes more than 12% enhancement in propellant burning rate(at 70 ksc pressure) in comparison to the standard propellant composition. The pressure exponent also increases to 0.46, whereas the standard composition was having its value as 0.35.


In a quest of search for a new burning rate modifier for composite propellant, strontium titanate(SrTiO3),a perovskite oxide has been chosen for evaluation in a composite propellant formulation based on its other catalytic applications. Initially, SrTiO3 was characterized for particle size, morphology and material/phase identification(using XRD). By varying SrTiO3 content in a standard composite propellant, different compositions were prepared and their performance and processing parameters like the end of mix(EOM) viscosity, mechanical properties, density, burning rate, pressure exponent(n-value), etc. were measured. The results reveal that 2% SrTiO3 causes more than 12% enhancement in propellant burning rate(at 70 ksc pressure) in comparison to the standard propellant composition. The pressure exponent also increases to 0.46, whereas the standard composition was having its value as 0.35.


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    :Burning rate and other characteristics of strontium titanate (SrTiO3) supplemented AP/HTPB/Al composite propellants论文
