







Usha,Velisala[5](2015)在《52例二尖瓣成型临床效果回顾性分析》一文中研究指出Background:MV plays an important role in left ventricular performance in different aspects. Duringthe early diastole, major portion of blood flow through MV. Primarily depends on the activerelaxation of left ventricular myocardium and passive forces along with the mitral annulusmovement. During the ventricle contraction, CT prevents the valve from being pushed back.The CT are tethered and forms an extensions of left ventricular muscle wall as PapillaryMuscles which are mound like, these probably provides stability but cannot activelyparticipate in opening and closing of the Valve. CT are inserts into the undersurfaces ofmitral leaflets, thus contributes to the mitral valve competency and preventing the leafletprolapse into left atrium during systole. The main cause of mitral regurgitation (MR) isdegenerative mitral valve disease leads to mitral valve prolapse or posterior and anterior flailor in both leaflets[45]. In MS, mitral valve orifice damages impairs ventricular filling thusreduces the cardiac output by which less blood will supply to the body and the atrium swellsas the pressure will builds up. Stenotic MV creates a diastolic gradient between left atriumand left ventricle, commonly associated with left atrial pulmonary arterial pressure andcapillary wedge pressure which is commonly observed in tachycardia. Left atrium pressureincreases before the buildup of pressure in aortic root, around of the ejected LV volume.As the LA pressures abruptly increases, which is controlled poorly leads to the onset ofpulmonary edema in Acute MR, whereas in chronic MR, the pressure is controlled withmoderate increase in LA pressure which allows the elevation of stroke volume to maintainthe MR volume. During contraction one of the flaps will flop back into the left atrium. Mostcommon segment involved is P2segment. If any disruption in the morphology or anychanges geometrically or mechanically the balance between the MV components, whichincludes leaflets, chordae tendineae, annulus, papillary muscles leads to mitral regurgitationwhich is mostly observing now a days along with other heart disorders. In this study, weobserved the efficacy of MV repair in52patients with successful outcome of100%. Mostly,males are affected than females. Previously reported that, heart valves have distinctautonomic interventional patterns in which if there is a dysfunction of nerve terminals theleaflets could be correlate with mitral valve prolapse.The major concern is to determine the length of chordae properly, so that for furtherexamining it will be useful for categorization functionally and anatomically. Standardizedimage assessment and interpretation is required to understand the MV apparatus functionwhich is the crucial and essential to overcome the alterations of the annulus and helpful inrepair techniques. Some revealed that artificial chordae with multiple interdependent looptechnique will be useful to repair the Barlow’s disease. Mostly, prolapse of posterior leafletcan be treated with leaflet resection with good results. Whereas, the surgical correction ofanterior or both the leaflet prolapse or large areas of posterior leaflet is more complicated andcomplex. There are techniques which are introduced by Carpentier, includes quadrangularresection, transfer of native chordae and papillary muscle shortening or plasty can be moredemanding technically in the treatment of complex lesions.Objective:To study the morphological characteristics of mitral valve apparatus and also the preferablevalve repair technique.Materials&Methods:In this retrospective study, we selected the52patients with mitral valve repair, wereselected from the Department of Cardio-Vascular Surgery in China-Japan Union Hospital ofJilin University. Out of which, male67%(n=35), female33%(n=17) with the mean age of46.3±13.8years. The observed signs and symptoms which are occurred≥3months.Patients who are having previous cardiac surgery or any other surgeries, with palpitations andmurmur from a period of time, without severe heart failure, who are having right sided heartdiseases are included in this study. Patients who are having Respiratory failure, documentedallergies, transmitted diseases, and also any History of asthma were not included in this study.Depend upon the severity of regurgitation and annular dilation, mitral valve repair is done inall52patients and functional mitral Regurgitation is present in all patients with concomitantaortic/tricuspid valve diseases and other right sided heart diseases. Intraoperativeregurgitation area is to be finded by executing the saline injection test. By reviewing throughcolor Doppler Echocardiography, we noticed mitral regurgitation in39patients, whereas in13patients mitral regurgitation observed intra operatively, and there by demonstrating the cardiac apex in four chamber view, and graded as mild, moderate. There are no severeregurgitation and massive regurgitation patients. Along with regurgitation there are otherdiseases also present in these52patients.Results:All the52patients have successful recovery post operation and there are nocomplications during surgery and hospital stay. Only for2patients, have complaints withAnnuloplasty (Ring)1patient, Annuloplasty (No Ring)1patient with age ranging53-62years old. In1male patient with age53discomfort appeared3months after surgery and in1female discomfort appeared4months prior to surgery. According to Chi-Square (χ2)statistics, for two degrees of freedom is2.249. It indicates that the significance value(P=0.134) is greater than the standard value of0.05, suggests that methods are not significant.This explains that we can use any preferred technique to resolve the problem.Conclusion:According to our outcome, we conclude that Mitral valve repairs with Ring are mostlikely to be done to improve the myocardial activity and to increase the patient’s life span, inwhich males are most likely to be effected than females. Morphology of the annulus has beenconsidered to repair. The geometrical and morphology of mitral annulus is very importantwhile doing the procedure. Annuloplasty Ring is recommended to secure the annular ring andto obtain reasonable postoperative clinical outcomes.(本文来源于《吉林大学》期刊2015-04-01)



魏玉清[8](2013)在《安庆市生物成型燃料原料的可供应性分析》一文中研究指出针对安庆市的农林废弃物资源量、社会经济发展状况和投资环境进行了调查研究,为有关生物成型燃料企业在安庆市生物燃料加工基地的建设提供决策依据。于2009年5月25日~6月5日对安庆市进行了为期10 d的实地考察,走访了政府有关部门、科研专家和部分木材加工企业,分析了当地农林废弃物资源作为生物成型燃料建设生物燃料加工基地的可行性。结果表明,安庆市的农林废弃物资源丰富,安庆地区每年可提供的生物成型燃料的原料量:农作物秸秆量约180万t,稻壳量约50万t,林业废弃物在11万m3。(本文来源于《安徽农业科学》期刊2013年06期)

陈炜,李国华,龚振宇,吴建忠,吴纪楠[9](2011)在《快速成型制造技术制作个体化桩核的适合性分析》一文中研究指出目的研究快速成型制造(RPM)技术制作个体化桩核的适合性,探讨RPM技术的制作精度,以指导临床实践。方法 (1)用数控车床精密加工残冠和(或)残根基牙代型,以螺旋CT扫描数据建立代型数字模型;(2)分别用常规失蜡精密铸造法和RPM技术制作桩核;(3)采用扫描电镜观测并拍片计数的方法,测量RPM技术制作个体化桩核、常规铸造桩核的边缘适合性和内部适合性,采用组间比较t检验进行统计学分析。结果制作的所有桩核均可精密就位,效果满意。常规制作桩核和RPM制作桩核边缘浮出量分别为(47.99±9.26)μm和(45.95±8.09)μm,差异无统计学意义(P=0.647>0.05)。常规制作桩核和RPM制作桩核组织面与代型之间间隙,在根管口处分别为(104.31±14.14)μm和(79.33±9.69)μm,差异有统计学意义(P=0.001<0.01);在根管中部分别为(83.91±12.86)μm和(80.68±10.74)μm,差异无统计学意义(P=0.593>0.05);在根管底部分别为(108.51±13.61)μm和(82.05±11.46)μm,差异有统计学意义(P=0.001<0.01)。结论 RPM技术制作个体化桩核具有良好的适合性,优于临床常规失蜡精密铸造桩核。(本文来源于《中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版)》期刊2011年03期)

嵇阿琳,崔红,李贺军,程文,张晓虎[10](2010)在《两种针刺纤维性能与成型性分析》一文中研究指出研究了2种适合针刺炭预制体纤维——预氧丝纤维和炭纤维的性能,并对比了2种纤维成网性能和针刺性能的差异。预氧丝纤维炭化后拉伸强度为2 000 MPa,低于炭纤维(≥3 000 MPa)。预氧丝纤维单丝断裂延伸率是炭纤维的4倍,针刺Z向纤维平均长度8~15 mm,是炭纤维的3~4倍;3K炭布/预氧丝网胎针刺预制体Z向剥离强度达到0.594MPa,而3K炭布/炭纤维网胎针刺预制体剥离强度为0.128 MPa。炭纤维网胎针刺预制体热处理过程尺寸稳定,可满足高强度薄壁C/C复合材料构件的使用要求。预氧丝网胎针刺预制体层间连接紧密,适合制备厚壁C/C复合材料部件,整体性能优越。(本文来源于《固体火箭技术》期刊2010年02期)





























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