:Pleuromeia with the Relic Cathaysian Elements from the Middle Triassic Linjia Flora in Benxi, Northeast China论文

:Pleuromeia with the Relic Cathaysian Elements from the Middle Triassic Linjia Flora in Benxi, Northeast China论文


作者(2019)在《Pleuromeia with the Relic Cathaysian Elements from the Middle Triassic Linjia Flora in Benxi, Northeast China》一文中研究指出:Pleuromeia is an index fossil of the Early-Middle Triassic.However, its diversity and paleogeoraphical pattern in China are unclear.Recently, a new species Pleuromeia shaolinii Zhang et Wang sp.nov


Pleuromeia is an index fossil of the Early-Middle Triassic.However, its diversity and paleogeoraphical pattern in China are unclear.Recently, a new species Pleuromeia shaolinii Zhang et Wang sp.nov


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    :Pleuromeia with the Relic Cathaysian Elements from the Middle Triassic Linjia Flora in Benxi, Northeast China论文
