:Synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured solid solution with extended solubility of graphite in nickel by mechanical alloying论文

:Synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured solid solution with extended solubility of graphite in nickel by mechanical alloying论文


作者(2019)在《Synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured solid solution with extended solubility of graphite in nickel by mechanical alloying》一文中研究指出:In the present work, mechanical alloying of a powder mixture of nickel and graphite(up to 15 wt%) was carried out in an attrition mill under a nitrogen atmosphere.The as-milled powders were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The 15 wt% graphite dissolved into the nickel(exceeding the negligible solid solubility in the nickel–carbon system), thereby forming a supersaturated solid solution of graphite in a nickel matrix.The dissolved graphite occupied interstitial positions along the dislocation edges and at the grain-boundary regions.A three-step graphite dissolution mechanism has been proposed.The associated changes in the nickel lattice, such as changes in the crystallite size(62 to 43 nm), lattice strain(0.12% to 0.3%), and lattice parameter(0.3533 to 0.3586 nm), which led to the formation of the supersaturated solid solution, were also evaluated and discussed.


In the present work, mechanical alloying of a powder mixture of nickel and graphite(up to 15 wt%) was carried out in an attrition mill under a nitrogen atmosphere.The as-milled powders were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The 15 wt% graphite dissolved into the nickel(exceeding the negligible solid solubility in the nickel–carbon system), thereby forming a supersaturated solid solution of graphite in a nickel matrix.The dissolved graphite occupied interstitial positions along the dislocation edges and at the grain-boundary regions.A three-step graphite dissolution mechanism has been proposed.The associated changes in the nickel lattice, such as changes in the crystallite size(62 to 43 nm), lattice strain(0.12% to 0.3%), and lattice parameter(0.3533 to 0.3586 nm), which led to the formation of the supersaturated solid solution, were also evaluated and discussed.


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    :Synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured solid solution with extended solubility of graphite in nickel by mechanical alloying论文
