:An efficient and facile approach for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide precursors论文

:An efficient and facile approach for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide precursors论文


作者(2019)在《An efficient and facile approach for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide precursors》一文中研究指出:An efficient and facile approach has been developed for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E(CS-E)oligosaccharide precursors. In this approach, the disaccharide unit with the GalNAc-GIcA sequence was first elongated to form tetra-and hexasaccharides followed by the introduction of anomeric groups via glycosylation couplings. A number of CS-E tetra-and hexasaccharide precursors were prepared in high yields.


An efficient and facile approach has been developed for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E(CS-E)oligosaccharide precursors. In this approach, the disaccharide unit with the GalNAc-GIcA sequence was first elongated to form tetra-and hexasaccharides followed by the introduction of anomeric groups via glycosylation couplings. A number of CS-E tetra-and hexasaccharide precursors were prepared in high yields.


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    :An efficient and facile approach for the construction of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide precursors论文
