作者(2019)在《APPITA 2018年第1期中英文摘要》一文中研究指出:Application of laccase positive Bacillus tequilensis strain for pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment RAJNI HOODA NISHI K.BHARDWAJ PAMELA SINGH SUMMARY:This study addresses the problems of pulp and paper mill effluent in terms of reduction in COD,colour and degradation of lignin content by bacterial strains to meet effluent discharge limits.Pulp and paper mill effluent is rich in lignin and bacterial laccases are reported to play a major role in lignin degradation.Thus,the present study deals with isolation of laccase positive potential bacterial strains
Application of laccase positive Bacillus tequilensis strain for pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment RAJNI HOODA NISHI K.BHARDWAJ PAMELA SINGH SUMMARY:This study addresses the problems of pulp and paper mill effluent in terms of reduction in COD,colour and degradation of lignin content by bacterial strains to meet effluent discharge limits.Pulp and paper mill effluent is rich in lignin and bacterial laccases are reported to play a major role in lignin degradation.Thus,the present study deals with isolation of laccase positive potential bacterial strains
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