:Study on the Impact of High Speed Rail Construction on Expressways Based on AHP,Logit and Multivariate Statistical Regression Method论文

:Study on the Impact of High Speed Rail Construction on Expressways Based on AHP,Logit and Multivariate Statistical Regression Method论文


作者(2019)在《Study on the Impact of High Speed Rail Construction on Expressways Based on AHP,Logit and Multivariate Statistical Regression Method》一文中研究指出:In view of whether or not the vehicle traffic pressure has been slowed down after the completion of the high-speed railway,a complete modeling work is carried out based on the theory of AHP analytic h


In view of whether or not the vehicle traffic pressure has been slowed down after the completion of the high-speed railway,a complete modeling work is carried out based on the theory of AHP analytic h


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    :Study on the Impact of High Speed Rail Construction on Expressways Based on AHP,Logit and Multivariate Statistical Regression Method论文
