:Non-linear modeling of kinetic and equilibrium data for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium by carbon nanomaterials:Dimension and functionalization论文

:Non-linear modeling of kinetic and equilibrium data for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium by carbon nanomaterials:Dimension and functionalization论文


作者(2019)在《Non-linear modeling of kinetic and equilibrium data for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium by carbon nanomaterials:Dimension and functionalization》一文中研究指出:The adsorption capacities for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by six carbon nanomaterials have been evaluated. Single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as received and after oxidation treatment, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide are the materials with different dimension and functionalization compared in this research. Carbon nanotubes have been modified using hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agent under microwave radiation. The oxidation treatment on carbon nanotubes has a positive effect increasing the adsorbent–adsorbate interaction. Rate-controlling mechanisms and equilibrium data are analyzed using non-linear models. Non-linear method is proposed as the most suitable method for determining the kinetic and equilibrium parameters. The values of adsorption energy(E) obtained from the Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm,have been found around 0.371 and 0.870 k J·mol-1, indicating physical adsorption. Therefore, the pseudo-second order model represents better the kinetic experimental data. The results show that the Langmuir isotherm provides a slightly better fit to the experimental data compared with the Freundlich isotherm, indicating homogeneous distribution of active sites on carbon nanomaterials and monolayer adsorption. The separation factors RLare found in the range of 0–1, suggesting that the adsorption process is suitable for all adsorbents. The mechanisms for hexavalent chromium removal have been proposed as electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding.


The adsorption capacities for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by six carbon nanomaterials have been evaluated. Single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as received and after oxidation treatment, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide are the materials with different dimension and functionalization compared in this research. Carbon nanotubes have been modified using hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agent under microwave radiation. The oxidation treatment on carbon nanotubes has a positive effect increasing the adsorbent–adsorbate interaction. Rate-controlling mechanisms and equilibrium data are analyzed using non-linear models. Non-linear method is proposed as the most suitable method for determining the kinetic and equilibrium parameters. The values of adsorption energy(E) obtained from the Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm,have been found around 0.371 and 0.870 k J·mol-1, indicating physical adsorption. Therefore, the pseudo-second order model represents better the kinetic experimental data. The results show that the Langmuir isotherm provides a slightly better fit to the experimental data compared with the Freundlich isotherm, indicating homogeneous distribution of active sites on carbon nanomaterials and monolayer adsorption. The separation factors RLare found in the range of 0–1, suggesting that the adsorption process is suitable for all adsorbents. The mechanisms for hexavalent chromium removal have been proposed as electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding.


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    :Non-linear modeling of kinetic and equilibrium data for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium by carbon nanomaterials:Dimension and functionalization论文
