:Indirect Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of Hard Rock TBM with Load Variation of Tunneling Face论文

:Indirect Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of Hard Rock TBM with Load Variation of Tunneling Face论文


作者(2019)在《Indirect Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of Hard Rock TBM with Load Variation of Tunneling Face》一文中研究指出:Posture adjustment of open-type hard rock tunnel boring machine(TBM) can be achieved by properly adjusting the hydraulic pressure of gripper cylinder and torque cylinders. However, the time-varying inhomogeneous load acting on tunneling face of TBM and complex stratum working condition can cause the trajectory deviation. In this paper,the position and posture rectification kinematics and dynamics models of TBM have been established in order to track the trajectory. Moreover, there are uncertain parameters and uncertain loads from complex working conditions in the dynamic model. An indirect adaptive robust control strategy is applied to achieve precise position and posture trajectory tracking control. Simulation results show when the position deviation only occurs in Y-axis and the current orientation is parallel with the designed axis, the deviation can be corrected by controlling the pressure of gripper cylinder and the actual trajectory meets the designed axis when TBM is pushed forward 0.14 m in X-axis. If the deviation only occurs in Z-axis, then the deviation can be corrected by controlling torque cylinders. If the position deviation occurs both in Y-axis and Z-axis at the same time, the pressure of gripper cylinder and torque cylinders should be controlled at the same time to rectify the deviation. Simulation results are shown to illustrate the e ectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller. This research proposes an indirect adaptive robust controller that can track the planned tracking trajectory smoothly and rapidly.


Posture adjustment of open-type hard rock tunnel boring machine(TBM) can be achieved by properly adjusting the hydraulic pressure of gripper cylinder and torque cylinders. However, the time-varying inhomogeneous load acting on tunneling face of TBM and complex stratum working condition can cause the trajectory deviation. In this paper,the position and posture rectification kinematics and dynamics models of TBM have been established in order to track the trajectory. Moreover, there are uncertain parameters and uncertain loads from complex working conditions in the dynamic model. An indirect adaptive robust control strategy is applied to achieve precise position and posture trajectory tracking control. Simulation results show when the position deviation only occurs in Y-axis and the current orientation is parallel with the designed axis, the deviation can be corrected by controlling the pressure of gripper cylinder and the actual trajectory meets the designed axis when TBM is pushed forward 0.14 m in X-axis. If the deviation only occurs in Z-axis, then the deviation can be corrected by controlling torque cylinders. If the position deviation occurs both in Y-axis and Z-axis at the same time, the pressure of gripper cylinder and torque cylinders should be controlled at the same time to rectify the deviation. Simulation results are shown to illustrate the e ectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller. This research proposes an indirect adaptive robust controller that can track the planned tracking trajectory smoothly and rapidly.


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    :Indirect Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of Hard Rock TBM with Load Variation of Tunneling Face论文
