:A Comparative Study on Pb Tolerance and Enrichment Characteristics among Different Species of Compositae论文

:A Comparative Study on Pb Tolerance and Enrichment Characteristics among Different Species of Compositae论文


作者(2019)在《A Comparative Study on Pb Tolerance and Enrichment Characteristics among Different Species of Compositae》一文中研究指出:In order to find landscape plants purifying Pb pollution of soil,a pot experiment was conducted to study Pb resistance and enrichment characteristics of six species of Compositae plants( Aster ageratoides,Rudbeckia hirta,Cosmos sulphureus,Gynura bicolor,Calendula officinalis,Bidens pilosa) in different soil Pb concentrations. The results showed that the dry weight of aboveground part in the six plants decreased with the increase of soil Pb concentration. The tolerance index( TI) of C. sulphureus,G. bicolor and C. officinalis was greater than 0. 5 in all concentrations,and the root tolerance index( RTI) was greater than 0. 9,which were better resistant to Pb stress. The maximum Pb content in aboveground part of R. hirta was 1 783 mg/kg,and the enrichment and transport coefficients were all greater than 1. When the soil Pb concentration was 500 mg/kg,the total Pb accumulation in the aboveground part of R. hirta was 2. 507 mg/plant. Finally based on the integrated observation of the enrichment coefficient,transport factor and repair potential index,it believed that R. hirta can be used to restore Pb contaminated soil at low concentration.


In order to find landscape plants purifying Pb pollution of soil,a pot experiment was conducted to study Pb resistance and enrichment characteristics of six species of Compositae plants( Aster ageratoides,Rudbeckia hirta,Cosmos sulphureus,Gynura bicolor,Calendula officinalis,Bidens pilosa) in different soil Pb concentrations. The results showed that the dry weight of aboveground part in the six plants decreased with the increase of soil Pb concentration. The tolerance index( TI) of C. sulphureus,G. bicolor and C. officinalis was greater than 0. 5 in all concentrations,and the root tolerance index( RTI) was greater than 0. 9,which were better resistant to Pb stress. The maximum Pb content in aboveground part of R. hirta was 1 783 mg/kg,and the enrichment and transport coefficients were all greater than 1. When the soil Pb concentration was 500 mg/kg,the total Pb accumulation in the aboveground part of R. hirta was 2. 507 mg/plant. Finally based on the integrated observation of the enrichment coefficient,transport factor and repair potential index,it believed that R. hirta can be used to restore Pb contaminated soil at low concentration.


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    论文作者分别是来自Meteorological and Environmental Research的,发表于刊物Meteorological and Environmental Research2019年02期论文,是一篇关于,Meteorological and Environmental Research2019年02期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Meteorological and Environmental Research2019年02期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    :A Comparative Study on Pb Tolerance and Enrichment Characteristics among Different Species of Compositae论文
