:Bioinspired membranes for multi-phase liquid and molecule separation论文

:Bioinspired membranes for multi-phase liquid and molecule separation论文


作者(2019)在《Bioinspired membranes for multi-phase liquid and molecule separation》一文中研究指出:Water pollution is a serious problem around the world. It causes the lack of clean drinking water and brings risks to human health.Membrane technology has become a competitive candidate to treat the contaminated wastewater due to its high separation efficiency and low energy consumption. In this review, we introduce the recent development of several kinds of bioinspired separation membranes, involving the membrane design and applications. We emphasize the multi-phase liquid separation membranes inspired from nature with special wettability applied for oil/water separation, organic liquids mixture separation, and emulsion separation. After separating multi-phase liquids using these membranes, small molecule pollutants still exist in singlephase liquid. Therefore, we also expand the scope to small molecule-scale separation membranes, such as the nacre-like graphene oxide separation membrane and other nanofiltration membranes. Summary and outlook concerning the future development of separation membranes are also introduced briefly.


Water pollution is a serious problem around the world. It causes the lack of clean drinking water and brings risks to human health.Membrane technology has become a competitive candidate to treat the contaminated wastewater due to its high separation efficiency and low energy consumption. In this review, we introduce the recent development of several kinds of bioinspired separation membranes, involving the membrane design and applications. We emphasize the multi-phase liquid separation membranes inspired from nature with special wettability applied for oil/water separation, organic liquids mixture separation, and emulsion separation. After separating multi-phase liquids using these membranes, small molecule pollutants still exist in singlephase liquid. Therefore, we also expand the scope to small molecule-scale separation membranes, such as the nacre-like graphene oxide separation membrane and other nanofiltration membranes. Summary and outlook concerning the future development of separation membranes are also introduced briefly.


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    论文作者分别是来自Science China(Chemistry)的,发表于刊物Science China(Chemistry)2019年01期论文,是一篇关于,Science China(Chemistry)2019年01期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Science China(Chemistry)2019年01期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    :Bioinspired membranes for multi-phase liquid and molecule separation论文
