作者(2019)在《Type Synthesis of Lower Mobility Parallel Mechanisms: A Review》一文中研究指出:Type synthesis of mechanisms aims to systematically determine all possible structures for a specific mobility requirement. Numerous methods based on di erent theories were proposed for type synthesis of lower mobility parallel mechanisms in past decades. However, there does not exist a comprehensive review on these approaches. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to give such a review, classifying the approaches proposed in the literature into three groups, namely, motion-based methods, constraint-based methods, and other methods. The motion-based methods include the Lie group based method, the GF set method, the linear transformation method, the POC set method,and the finite screw method. The constraint-based methods involve the screw theory-based method, the virtual chain method, the method based on Grassmann line geometry and line graphs, and the motion constraint generator method. Other methods contain the enumeration approach based on the general CGK mobility formula and the graph theory method. Upon thoroughly analyzing the characteristics and/or limitations of each method, this review provides a well reference to help researchers find an e ective synthesis method for innovative design and further scientific investigations for mechanisms.
Type synthesis of mechanisms aims to systematically determine all possible structures for a specific mobility requirement. Numerous methods based on di erent theories were proposed for type synthesis of lower mobility parallel mechanisms in past decades. However, there does not exist a comprehensive review on these approaches. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to give such a review, classifying the approaches proposed in the literature into three groups, namely, motion-based methods, constraint-based methods, and other methods. The motion-based methods include the Lie group based method, the GF set method, the linear transformation method, the POC set method,and the finite screw method. The constraint-based methods involve the screw theory-based method, the virtual chain method, the method based on Grassmann line geometry and line graphs, and the motion constraint generator method. Other methods contain the enumeration approach based on the general CGK mobility formula and the graph theory method. Upon thoroughly analyzing the characteristics and/or limitations of each method, this review provides a well reference to help researchers find an e ective synthesis method for innovative design and further scientific investigations for mechanisms.
论文作者分别是来自Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering的,发表于刊物Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering2019年02期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering2019年02期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering2019年02期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。