:Modelling and development of recycled water conditioning of copper-molybdenum ores processing论文

:Modelling and development of recycled water conditioning of copper-molybdenum ores processing论文


作者(2019)在《Modelling and development of recycled water conditioning of copper-molybdenum ores processing》一文中研究指出:Current use of enrichment and processing technologies of ores requires the introduction of closed circuits of water treatment. A decrease in technological properties is caused by accumulations of ion-molecular components in the circulating water. The objective of the simulation is to determine the maximum allowable concentrations of ions and molecules as well as the choice of conditions for deposition or adsorption.First of all, our examinations decrease the concentration of copper ions and fatty acids in the circulating water. By pre-mixing water with the highest concentration of these ions, a reduction of copper ion and fatty acid concentrations in the recycled water occurs. The results do not only ensure the achievement of the maximum permitted concentration(MPC) of copper and iron, significantly reducing the amount of oxidized copper, they also make it possible to use the united sewage as current water for the flotation process. Mixing and adding filtrate of tailings, discharges of urban wastewater treatment and effluent of ash pit of thermal power stations(TPS) to recycled water causes an increase in the capacity of the enrichment plant by 15–17%.


Current use of enrichment and processing technologies of ores requires the introduction of closed circuits of water treatment. A decrease in technological properties is caused by accumulations of ion-molecular components in the circulating water. The objective of the simulation is to determine the maximum allowable concentrations of ions and molecules as well as the choice of conditions for deposition or adsorption.First of all, our examinations decrease the concentration of copper ions and fatty acids in the circulating water. By pre-mixing water with the highest concentration of these ions, a reduction of copper ion and fatty acid concentrations in the recycled water occurs. The results do not only ensure the achievement of the maximum permitted concentration(MPC) of copper and iron, significantly reducing the amount of oxidized copper, they also make it possible to use the united sewage as current water for the flotation process. Mixing and adding filtrate of tailings, discharges of urban wastewater treatment and effluent of ash pit of thermal power stations(TPS) to recycled water causes an increase in the capacity of the enrichment plant by 15–17%.


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    :Modelling and development of recycled water conditioning of copper-molybdenum ores processing论文
