![:Characterization of CuInS2 film prepared from chlorides by spin-coating and chemical co-reduction method论文](https://www.lw00.cn/thumb/7f26d4a7843b1ca74965ea2c.webp)
作者(2019)在《Characterization of CuInS2 film prepared from chlorides by spin-coating and chemical co-reduction method》一文中研究指出:Using hydrazine hydrate as the reducing agent and chlorides and thiourea as raw materials, the CuInS2 films were prepared by spin-coating and chemical reduction on the glass or silicon substrates at
Using hydrazine hydrate as the reducing agent and chlorides and thiourea as raw materials, the CuInS2 films were prepared by spin-coating and chemical reduction on the glass or silicon substrates at
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:Characterization of CuInS2 film prepared from chlorides by spin-coating and chemical co-reduction method论文