作者(2019)在《Nitrite pre-treatment of dewatered sludge for microbial fuel cell application》一文中研究指出:The effect of pre-treatment of dewatered sludge using different nitrite concentrations and p H for microbial fuel cell(MFC) application was investigated. The results show that the addition of nitrite was feasible to increase the solubilization rate of the sludge and may reduce mass transfer limitation at the anode. This helped the MFC to reach higher voltage and to generate more power. The higher free nitrous acid(FNA) concentration under the acidic condition helped to increase sludge solubilization. However, under an alkaline condition, during which the FNA concentration was relatively low, the solubilization of the sludge was higher. The highest voltage and power density produced was 390 mV and 153 mW/m~2, respectively, with the addition of nitrite at 100 mg-N/L and pH 9. Furthermore,it was found that elevated levels of FNA could inhibit electrogenic bacteria thus reducing power generation.
The effect of pre-treatment of dewatered sludge using different nitrite concentrations and p H for microbial fuel cell(MFC) application was investigated. The results show that the addition of nitrite was feasible to increase the solubilization rate of the sludge and may reduce mass transfer limitation at the anode. This helped the MFC to reach higher voltage and to generate more power. The higher free nitrous acid(FNA) concentration under the acidic condition helped to increase sludge solubilization. However, under an alkaline condition, during which the FNA concentration was relatively low, the solubilization of the sludge was higher. The highest voltage and power density produced was 390 mV and 153 mW/m~2, respectively, with the addition of nitrite at 100 mg-N/L and pH 9. Furthermore,it was found that elevated levels of FNA could inhibit electrogenic bacteria thus reducing power generation.
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:Nitrite pre-treatment of dewatered sludge for microbial fuel cell application论文