作者(2019)在《Multisize and multiweight effects in materials science and engineering》一文中研究指出:Materials mainly refer to the matters with a certain composition, structure, and property, which can be formed by natural mineralization or artificial manufacture and are widely used in various specific fields, therefore, materials serve as the substance basis for human survival and development [1].In the 1970s, materials combined with information and energy have been proposed as three pillars for the contemporary civilization [2]. It is obvious that materials are
Materials mainly refer to the matters with a certain composition, structure, and property, which can be formed by natural mineralization or artificial manufacture and are widely used in various specific fields, therefore, materials serve as the substance basis for human survival and development [1].In the 1970s, materials combined with information and energy have been proposed as three pillars for the contemporary civilization [2]. It is obvious that materials are
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:Multisize and multiweight effects in materials science and engineering论文