张晓彤:Optical-fiber-based powerful tools for living cell manipulation [Invited]论文

张晓彤:Optical-fiber-based powerful tools for living cell manipulation [Invited]论文


作者张晓彤,杨世泰,苑立波(2019)在《Optical-fiber-based powerful tools for living cell manipulation [Invited]》一文中研究指出:By using a specialty optical fiber, a series of powerful microparticle manipulation tools, including optical tweezers, a micro-optical hand, and an optical gun, are developed and demonstrated. In this paper,a review of our research activities on the optical manipulation of microparticles is presented. In particular,we will describe a kind of specialty optical fiber designed and fabricated for building optical trapping and manipulating tools. The performances of annular core fiber-based optical tweezers, a multicore fiber-based micro-optical hand, and a coaxial dual waveguide fiber-based optical gun are demonstrated as examples of applications and discussed in detail. The fiber can be used in cell manipulation in life science and drug response in medicine.


By using a specialty optical fiber, a series of powerful microparticle manipulation tools, including optical tweezers, a micro-optical hand, and an optical gun, are developed and demonstrated. In this paper,a review of our research activities on the optical manipulation of microparticles is presented. In particular,we will describe a kind of specialty optical fiber designed and fabricated for building optical trapping and manipulating tools. The performances of annular core fiber-based optical tweezers, a multicore fiber-based micro-optical hand, and a coaxial dual waveguide fiber-based optical gun are demonstrated as examples of applications and discussed in detail. The fiber can be used in cell manipulation in life science and drug response in medicine.


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  • 论文详细介绍

    论文作者分别是来自Chinese Optics Letters的张晓彤,杨世泰,苑立波,发表于刊物Chinese Optics Letters2019年09期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Optics Letters2019年09期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Optics Letters2019年09期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    张晓彤:Optical-fiber-based powerful tools for living cell manipulation [Invited]论文
