![:Comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the Bombyx mori hemolymph during infection by the Microsporidia Nosema bombycis论文](https://www.lw00.cn/thumb/850b8ea605bb9a6ed3e67058.webp)
作者(2019)在《Comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the Bombyx mori hemolymph during infection by the Microsporidia Nosema bombycis》一文中研究指出:Host-pathogen interactions are complicated processes, which have been studied extensively in recent years. Insects possess a highly efficient immune system in which hemolymph plays an important role i
Host-pathogen interactions are complicated processes, which have been studied extensively in recent years. Insects possess a highly efficient immune system in which hemolymph plays an important role i
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:Comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the Bombyx mori hemolymph during infection by the Microsporidia Nosema bombycis论文