作者(2019)在《Identification and Control of HLB Disease in Citrus grandis》一文中研究指出:HLB disease has been endangering citrus production,and it is an important task in Citrus grandis production to identify and control HLB disease. Diaphorina citri and Trioza erytreae are the main vectors for the spreading of HLB disease. Scientific and proper release of predatory natural enemies such as ladybugs,combined with chemical control can effectively control psyllid. For suspected HLB disease strains,a simple " HLB disease detection reagent" can be used for detection. This method is simple,cheap and accurate,and it is an economical and feasible identification method for ordinary growers.
HLB disease has been endangering citrus production,and it is an important task in Citrus grandis production to identify and control HLB disease. Diaphorina citri and Trioza erytreae are the main vectors for the spreading of HLB disease. Scientific and proper release of predatory natural enemies such as ladybugs,combined with chemical control can effectively control psyllid. For suspected HLB disease strains,a simple " HLB disease detection reagent" can be used for detection. This method is simple,cheap and accurate,and it is an economical and feasible identification method for ordinary growers.
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:Identification and Control of HLB Disease in Citrus grandis论文