作者(2019)在《Instructions for Contributors》一文中研究指出:Entomotaxonomia is a journal of insect taxonomy established in 1979.It is an international peer-reviewed journal for publication of high-quality original articles in the theory and application of insect taxonomy,systematics,phylogeny,biodiversity,and related
Entomotaxonomia is a journal of insect taxonomy established in 1979.It is an international peer-reviewed journal for publication of high-quality original articles in the theory and application of insect taxonomy,systematics,phylogeny,biodiversity,and related
[1].Prokaryote phylogeny meets taxonomy: An exhaustive comparison of composition vector trees with systematic bacteriology[J]. GAO Lei1,2, QI Ji1**, SUN JianDong2,3 & HAO BaiLin1,2,4 1 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China; 2 T-Life Research Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 3 Beijing Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101300, China; 4 Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM87501, USA Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics, Penn State University, 310 Wartik Building, University Park, PA16802, USA.  Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences).2007(05)[2].Phylogeny and biodiversity of Trichoderma and Hypocrea and its implications on taxonomy[J]. Christian P Kubicek.  浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版).2004(04)[3].Whole-genome based Archaea phylogeny and taxonomy: A composition vector approach[J]. SUN JianDong1, XU Zhao1 & HAO BaiLin1,2,3 1 T-Life Research Center & Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 3 Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, USA.  Chinese Science Bulletin.2010(22)[4].Universally Primed PCR (UP-PCR) and its applications for taxonomy in Trichoderma[J]. Mette Lübeck.  浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版).2004(04)[5].Morphological-structural analysis and topologic taxonomy on trace fossils[J]. 黄定华,龚一鸣.  Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences).1998(03)[6].Wu Zhengyi and his contributions to plant taxonomy and phytogeography[J]. Zhekun Zhou,Hang Sun.  Plant Diversity.2016(06)[7].稿约(英文)[J]. Editorial Board of Entomotaxonomia;.  Entomotaxonomia.2016(03)[8].Instructions for Contributors[J].   昆虫分类学报.2011(03)[9].Marine green alga Cladophora aokii Yamada and its epiphytes from Yinggehai, Hainan, China: morphological taxonomy,formation and analysis of its environmental adaption[J]. DING Lanping,DAI Yue,HUANG Bingxin,LI Yongmei,LIU Rui,DENG Shaoyang.  Acta Oceanologica Sinica.2018(10)[10].Instructions for Contributors[J]. Editorial Board of Entomotaxonomia;.  Entomotaxonomia.2015(02)
:Instructions for Contributors论文