:Research Progress of Low Temperature Preservation Technology for Aquatic Products论文

:Research Progress of Low Temperature Preservation Technology for Aquatic Products论文


作者(2019)在《Research Progress of Low Temperature Preservation Technology for Aquatic Products》一文中研究指出:Aquatic products are highly perishable because of the biological characteristics. So it is very important to study the preservation of aquatic products. Low temperature preservation technology is the earliest and most widely used technology. This paper introduced the research progress of low temperature preservation technology for aquatic products at home and abroad, and pointed out some problems and the future development trend of low temperature preservation. It provides a basis for the development of the aquatic product processing.


Aquatic products are highly perishable because of the biological characteristics. So it is very important to study the preservation of aquatic products. Low temperature preservation technology is the earliest and most widely used technology. This paper introduced the research progress of low temperature preservation technology for aquatic products at home and abroad, and pointed out some problems and the future development trend of low temperature preservation. It provides a basis for the development of the aquatic product processing.


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  • 论文详细介绍

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    :Research Progress of Low Temperature Preservation Technology for Aquatic Products论文
