shi jie qi hou yan jiu ji hua (WCRP)zu zhi shi shi di liu ci guo ji ou ge mo shi bi jiao ji hua (CMIP6),qing hua da xue lian ge guo nei duo jia chan wei ,tong guo duo nian de mo shi yan fa ,wan cheng lian ge de qiu ji tong mo shi (CIESM),chu le CMIP6de qi hou zhen duan 、ping gu he miao shu shi yan (DECK)he li shi qi hou mo ni shi yan (Historical),mo shi ni can yu 6ge CMIP6zi ji hua 。tong guo jie shao gai mo shi de ji ben qing kuang ji ji can yu de shi yan zi ji hua ,wei jin hou mo shi shi yan shu ju shi yong zhe di gong can kao 。
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标签:清华大学论文; 联合地球系统模式论文; 气候系统模式论文; 地球系统模式论文; 气候变化研究进展2019年05期论文;