薛迎利[1](2011)在《利用锥形毛细管获取低速高电荷态离子微束(英文)》一文中研究指出With the extensive and wide application of the ion microbeam, production of microbeams with high current, various charge states, wider energy range and especially low cost is under urgent demands. Owing to the focusing effect[1, 2] of ions passing through a tapered glass capillary, it is practically available to produce a microbeam with a simple and low cost method. At present, microbeams have been produced with such a method, but they were limited to either several tens keV slow highly-charged ions (HCIs) (e.g. Ref.[2, 3] ) or several MeV (e.g. Ref,[1, 4] ) low charged states ions. Production of slow HCIs microbeams at several hundreds keV to several MeV, which has an extensive application prospect, is just beginning.(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2011年00期)
张丽卿[2](2010)在《低速高电荷态离子对氮化镓外延膜辐照损伤的X射线光电子能谱研(英文)》一文中研究指出The potential of the wide band gap semiconductor GaN and related materials for the realization of novel optoelectronic devices has been well documented [1~3]. However,the inertness of III-nitrides to the majority of conventional wet etchants was a hindrance to overcome for fabrication of devices by chemical etching. The chemical inertness of GaN resulted in either virtually no reaction with etchants or slow etch rate on the order of tens of angstroms per minute. Therefore,efficient ways of etching GaN have been sought. Recently,we found slow highly char(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2010年00期)
张丽卿[5](2008)在《低速高电荷态离子蚀剂氮化镓表面的势能域值研究(英文)》一文中研究指出We investigate the erosion appearance on the surface of GaN crystals by impact of various slow highly charged ions(Arq+,Xeq+ and Pbq+). Atomic force microscopy reveals a surprisingly sharp and well-de(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2008年00期)
王瑜玉[7](2007)在《低速高电荷态离子与表面作用形成的表面纳米结构研究(英文)》一文中研究指出The highly charged ions(HCIs)carry a large amount of potential energy.When they come into close- ly contact with solid surfaces,a state far from equilibrium is created(hollow atom/ion formation).As a consequence,a wide variety of electronic processes,which eventually will re-establish equilibrium,are ini-(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2007年00期)
王瑜玉,A.Qayyum[8](2006)在《低速多电荷态离子在固体表面的电子发射产额(英文)》一文中研究指出Electron emission from solid surfaces by multi-charged ions is one of the most fundamental processes in ion-solid in- teractions and has received a great deal of attention recently. The total electron yieldγ,is usually defined as the number of electrons ejected per incident ions.γ,is commonly ascribed to the sum of the potential electron yieldγ_(PE)and the kinetic elec- tron yieldγ_(KE).The experimental studies on electron emission(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2006年00期)
杨义涛[9](2006)在《低速高电荷态重离子在GaN单晶中引起的辐射照损伤研究(英文)》一文中研究指出Specimens of n-type GaN were irradiated with 180 keV Xe~(26+)in two geometries,ions incident close to the normal and at an angle 60°from normal of the specimen's surfaces.The fluences are 1×10~(14),1×10~(15), 1×10~(16)and 2×10~(16)ions/cm~2 for normal incidence,and 1×10~(14),1×10~(15)and 5×10~(15)ions/cm~2 for tilt inci- dence.For comparison,the experiment of GaN irradiated normally to the specimen's surfaces with 110 keV Mo~+ was also carried out.The fluences range from 2×10~(14)to 5×10~(16)ions/cm~2.Damage induced in(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2006年00期)
张丽卿[10](2006)在《低速高电荷态Xe~(n+)离子辐照的氮化镓晶体表面改性的研究(英文)》一文中研究指出When slow highly charged heavy ions(SHCIs)approach solid surface,intense,ultra-fast electronic excitation and ionization occur due to the dissipation of the potential energy of SHCIs in only a few fs. There are increasing investigations of the interaction between SHCIs and solids,and of the potential appli- cation of SHCIs as novel techniques for material analysis and engineering.Gallium nitride(GaN)is receiv- ing more attention in recent years because of its outstanding properties suitable for the development of no-(本文来源于《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》期刊2006年00期)
The potential of the wide band gap semiconductor GaN and related materials for the realization of novel optoelectronic devices has been well documented [1~3]. However,the inertness of III-nitrides to the majority of conventional wet etchants was a hindrance to overcome for fabrication of devices by chemical etching. The chemical inertness of GaN resulted in either virtually no reaction with etchants or slow etch rate on the order of tens of angstroms per minute. Therefore,efficient ways of etching GaN have been sought. Recently,we found slow highly char