作者(2019)在《Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon from polyaniline/silica self-aggregates for supercapacitor》一文中研究指出:In this paper, nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon(N-HPC) was prepared from polyaniline(PANI)/silica self-aggregates. H-bonding between N\H groups in aniline/PANI and \OH groups in nano silica template led to a self-assembly type, which enabled the formation of uniform N-HPC nanoparticles. Silica self-aggregates provided macroporous channels resulted in a decreased diffusion distance. After removing the hard template,the N-HPC had a high surface area(899 m2·g-1). Owing to two co-existed synergetic energy-storage mechanisms and the hierarchical porous structure, the obtained N-HPC exhibited a high specific capacitance of 218.75 F·g-1 at 0.5 A·g-1, compared with the nonporous nitrogen-doped carbon(N-C) derived from pure PANI. Moreover, the N-HPC electrode demonstrated excellent cycle life, retaining 99% of its initial specific capacitance after 1000 cycles.
In this paper, nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon(N-HPC) was prepared from polyaniline(PANI)/silica self-aggregates. H-bonding between N\H groups in aniline/PANI and \OH groups in nano silica template led to a self-assembly type, which enabled the formation of uniform N-HPC nanoparticles. Silica self-aggregates provided macroporous channels resulted in a decreased diffusion distance. After removing the hard template,the N-HPC had a high surface area(899 m2·g-1). Owing to two co-existed synergetic energy-storage mechanisms and the hierarchical porous structure, the obtained N-HPC exhibited a high specific capacitance of 218.75 F·g-1 at 0.5 A·g-1, compared with the nonporous nitrogen-doped carbon(N-C) derived from pure PANI. Moreover, the N-HPC electrode demonstrated excellent cycle life, retaining 99% of its initial specific capacitance after 1000 cycles.
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标签:Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2019年03期论文;
:Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon from polyaniline/silica self-aggregates for supercapacitor论文