:Electrochemical behaviors of anode materials and their performance for bauxite desulfurization论文

:Electrochemical behaviors of anode materials and their performance for bauxite desulfurization论文


作者(2019)在《Electrochemical behaviors of anode materials and their performance for bauxite desulfurization》一文中研究指出:Pyrite inside bauxite could be oxidized into soluble S-containing ions by electrolysis, and thus achieving bauxite desulfurization by using filtration. However, S-containing ions in electrolyte had some corrosion effects on electrode, especially for anode. In this work, six kinds of traditional materials were selected as anode, and their corrosion behaviors were examined by using electrochemistry characterization. Tafel and CV curves from simulating electrolyte suggested that their corrosion potentials were in the following order: Ni﹥C﹥SS﹥Fe﹥Cu﹥Pb–Ag. As expected, the desulfurization ratio and cell voltage from bauxite electrolysis were in the following order respectively: Cu﹥Ni﹥Fe﹥SS﹥C﹥Pb–Ag and Ni﹥Fe﹥SS﹥Cu﹥C﹥Pb–Ag. Finally, Ni was proposed a kind of excellent electrode material for bauxite desulfurization from electrolysis.


Pyrite inside bauxite could be oxidized into soluble S-containing ions by electrolysis, and thus achieving bauxite desulfurization by using filtration. However, S-containing ions in electrolyte had some corrosion effects on electrode, especially for anode. In this work, six kinds of traditional materials were selected as anode, and their corrosion behaviors were examined by using electrochemistry characterization. Tafel and CV curves from simulating electrolyte suggested that their corrosion potentials were in the following order: Ni﹥C﹥SS﹥Fe﹥Cu﹥Pb–Ag. As expected, the desulfurization ratio and cell voltage from bauxite electrolysis were in the following order respectively: Cu﹥Ni﹥Fe﹥SS﹥C﹥Pb–Ag and Ni﹥Fe﹥SS﹥Cu﹥C﹥Pb–Ag. Finally, Ni was proposed a kind of excellent electrode material for bauxite desulfurization from electrolysis.


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    :Electrochemical behaviors of anode materials and their performance for bauxite desulfurization论文
