paper cutting 毕业论文选题

问:帮忙写一篇100字左右的英语作文,题目是“paper cutting”,谢谢了!
- 答:Paper cutting is my most favorite arts style. Doing papercut need no efforts at all but time and tools are also very easy to get. Paper cutting has a long history in China and it's almost accepted by all walks of life. Pasting a self made papercut, especially during the Chiense new year, has been a custom for most part of China. It represents auspicious, lucky and wealth. We usually use red color doing the papercut, but other colors are fine, too. Every year, i design the patterns and ask help from my parents to help me with the papercut. It also brings our family with great joy and happiness.
- 答:您好!写作一篇论文需要经历以下几个步骤:
1. 确定研究主题隐镇和问题:选择一个合适的话题,并明确你希望解决的问题。
2. 收集相关文献:阅读文献,以便更好地了解已有的研究成果和结论,这将帮助你确定你的立场和研究方法。
3. 制定研究计划:在这个阶段,你需要设计实验或采敏姿取调查等手段来支持你的研究,并制定时间表,以确保按时完成。
4. 书写论文草稿桥携绝:根据你的研究计划,撰写论文的草稿。最好从引言开始写起,然后是研究方法、结果、讨论和结论。
5. 细节修改:仔细检查论文的语法、标点符号和格式,确保没有错误和漏洞。
6. 修改和审查:请他人帮助修改和审查你的论文。请专业的编辑或导师进行检查和修改,以提升你的学术水平。
- 提前计划和组织
- 花时间阅读文献并做笔记
- 确定清晰的研究问题
- 书写简单直观的引言和方法部分
- 数据可视化
- 清晰地陈述结论
- 如果有可能,采用参考文献管理工具,例如EndNote或Zotero
- 答:Paper-cutting is a traditional folk art with a long history, which dates back to more than 1000 years
ago. In Qing Dynasty, paper-cutting became popular and was an important part of people's daily life.
There are three kinds of paper cuts: paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes and for design,
among which those for decoration are the most widely used. Nowadays, paper-cutting products are
often chosen as presents and foreigners are always fond of them. There are more than 30 shops for
paper cuts, and paper-cutting products sell as far as in Southeast Asia.
paper cutting 毕业论文选题