作者(2019)在《Thermally stable microstructures and mechanical properties of B4C-Al composite with in-situ formed Mg(Al)B2》一文中研究指出:B4C particulate-reinforced 6061 A1 composite was fabricated by powder metallurgy method.The as-rolled composite possesses high tensile strength which is comparable to that of the peak-aged 6061 A1 alloy.More importantly,the microstructures and mechanical properties are thermally stable during long-term holding at elevated temperature(400℃).The microstructual contributions to the strength of the composite were discussed.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)analysis indicates that the in-situ formed reinforcement Mg(Al)B2,as products of the interfacial reactions between B4C and the aluminum matrix,show not only good resistance to thermal coarsening but also strong pinning effect to the grain boundaries in the alloy matrix.
B4C particulate-reinforced 6061 A1 composite was fabricated by powder metallurgy method.The as-rolled composite possesses high tensile strength which is comparable to that of the peak-aged 6061 A1 alloy.More importantly,the microstructures and mechanical properties are thermally stable during long-term holding at elevated temperature(400℃).The microstructual contributions to the strength of the composite were discussed.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)analysis indicates that the in-situ formed reinforcement Mg(Al)B2,as products of the interfacial reactions between B4C and the aluminum matrix,show not only good resistance to thermal coarsening but also strong pinning effect to the grain boundaries in the alloy matrix.
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标签:Journal of Materials Science & Technology2019年09期论文;
:Thermally stable microstructures and mechanical properties of B4C-Al composite with in-situ formed Mg(Al)B2论文